However, that’s soon to change as I’ve discovered Aladdin’s Collapsible Lunch Collection. These containers are perfect for keeping portable, on-the-go lunches fresh. Moreover, they come in a variety of sizes. I’m partial to the large “salad size” container. As an added bonus, salad lovers can include a variety of condiments (think nuts, cheese and dressing) in the smaller containers (which have indented places in the large bowl’s lid). Aladdin’s mid-sized container has an attachable stem tray in case you want to warm entrees in your office kitchen.
One of the more annoying side effects of bringing your lunch is having to tote Tupperware home. Aladdin found an easily solution to this as well. All containers collapse so they are easy to get home and equally easy to store in my crowded apartment cabinets. It seems Aladdin thought of everything. Luckily for me, the company can serve as my lunch time genie. For more information, visit